Flower and fruit painting  decoration
We use only the best porcelain to paint.  Category contains  8 decors






Flowers and fruit painting,
Part of a 48 piece service painted with different motifs.





Flowers and fruits painting, the edges painted  with small insects. 
Part  of 6 different bowls.






Flowers and fruit painting,
Part of a 12 person service.





Traditional flower painting with insects. 

Meissen style painting
Flower-bouquet in the classic style. 

Plate flower painting by Petra kugelmeier

Meissen style painting
Flower-bouquet in the classic style.

Flower painting after Maria Sybilla Merian 
Copper-engraving manner .
Part of a dinner and coffee Service.

Spring flowers painting on a porcelain hanging-egg

Size: H. 6,5 cm

Presentation-plates with natural flowers style and insects

Size: 36cm